Gasometer Hotel
484 Smith St, Collingwood VIC 3066, AustraliaUpcoming Events
The Gasometer Hotel is a live music venue in Collingwood. Locals call it the 'Gaso'. The Gaso offers a very wide array of music genre events and style of events, so it is crucial to know what's on. The Gasometer is an iconic and historic venue of the inner north of Melbourne. The layout of the venue is eclectic. This unique venue design is what gives the Gaso its charm and facilitates the functioning of its event. The main attraction is the huge, dome-shaped retractable roof. These a stage and dance floor, then a 2nd level that, more like a balcony that can peer into stage area. From the balcony level, there is a door up to a "almost treehouse-like extension". Up in the makeshift treehouse is the smoker's area, it weirdly enough has a good view out onto the highway and down towards the stage area. The music varies so considerably. From singer songwriter to death metal to tech house to LGBTQI+ disco to indie rock bands from Kiama. The electronic music day parties are usually held on Saturday and Sundays, where they open the roof and gives the venue a competely different feel. The night music sessions centres around live music, mostly bands. The crowd varies too vastly to make a useful generalisation of the crowd, as it ultimately depends on what event is on.