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Daria Lex, Luke Tsios, Aaron Mackie image
Daria Lex, Luke Tsios, Aaron Mackie
Fri, 7 FebruaryLa Di Da

Mango Club: Daria Lex, Luke Tsios, Aaron Mackie

RnBParty AnthemsAfroMelbourne Minimal
577 Little Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
Exclusive Deal IconApp Only Deal: $5 Off
Commercial PartyRnB/Hip Hop
$27.56 - $30
23:00 DF START
Daria Lex, Luke Tsios, Aaron Mackie image


Event Brand
Mango Club logoMango Club

Weekly Uni Night at La Di Da. RnB, Commercial & Melb MinimalMango Fridays started on the 13th September 2019 and has been a staple event within the Melbourne CBD Friday Scene. Mango Fridays is run by, or at least is in association with, Levels Entertainment who also run Levels on a Saturday at Brown Alley. Mango Fridays makes use of the 4 rooms across the 2 Levels at La Di Da Nightclub.

Levels Ent logoLevels Ent

Agency, events, artists & label across Sydney & MelbourneEvent organiser of multiple weekly club brands, such as : Mango, Levels, Alumbra.

La Di Da logoLa Di Da

Having opened in 2009, La Di Da Bar and Nightclub has offered a range of different entertainment options. From burlesque, to regular nightclub nights, to operating as a bar and restaurant, open mic nights, big functions and laneway parties, La Di Da is a versatile venue. Most recently, La Di Da is well-known for it's Friday Night Event, Mango Fridays.‍Mango Fridays started on the 13th September 20...

Event Gallery

Daria Lex, Luke Tsios, Aaron Mackie - image 1
Daria Lex, Luke Tsios, Aaron Mackie - image 2
Daria Lex, Luke Tsios, Aaron Mackie - image 3