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Live Update Preview
Thu, 20 March170 Russell

Lucky Thursdays: DJs

CommercialParty AnthemsHouse
170 Russell St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
Exclusive Deal IconApp Only Deal: $5 Entry & Free Shotb
Commercial PartyHouse
$5 - $30
23:00 DF START
Event Brand
Lucky Thursdays logoLucky Thursdays

Lucky Thursdays is run by Lucky Entertainment. Having started in 2012, Lucky Entertainment are a huge Melbourne multi-faceted parent company of a number brands across a number of industries. Lucky Thursday was been at the pinnacle of Melbourne Thursday night events for a number of years.Lucky Thursdays is $5 with a uni or student card and $20 otherwise.

Lucky Ent logoLucky Ent

Booking Agency and Event Promoter

170 Russell logo170 Russell

170 Russell is a large live music venue and nightclub, depending on the day and event. The venue opened as Lido Theatre in 1965 and showcased some of the largest live music acts in Melbourne. In 1980, 170 Russell began operating as Billboard Nightclub, and is colloquially referred to as Billboards. The Billboard brand still operates on a Saturday at 170 Russell, as well as, associative company Luc...
